Marrying A Filipino – Guide Checklist

US Citizen Marrying A Filipina & What’s Involved | K1 Visa

Note: If you get married in the Philippines legally, instead of months of approval it will take years, and the process is much more complicated.

  • – Proof you met in the last 2 years in person, need original receipts (bus, plane, train, doctors notes, etc) with both your names and date on them, original plane tickets both names and dates showing you were in the same place at the same time, pictures with time stamps
  • – Certified court sealed documents of ANY criminal history you have, even if it was expunged, removed or diverted (you have to call the court and have it mailed to you, just tell them you need a “Certified Court Sealed Copy of Your Records With Police Report, it will cost like $20-$30)
  • – Currently 9 month estimated waiting period for approval from date of filing
  • – Copies of passport (with stamps) both of you
  • – Copies of ID’S & birth certificates of both of you
  • – Handwritten letter stating where and when you met and why you want to marry each other
  • – $525 in a money order
  • – Fill out all the immigration paperwork; need the original names of mom/dad and dates of birth
  • – You have to marry her within 3 months or it’s technically void
  • – If you have a wedding date or plans, bands, chapel rented, etc… include that

They will need all of this, not some or a lot, but every piece of it. If you miss one thing, you WILL get a denial or a request for more information. You’ll have 2 months to fix anything if they deny it for some reason.